Why The Years of Change?
So many women know so little about the perimenopause (the time leading up to the menopause) and the menopause itself. However this is the time when we start to notice things changing; hot flushes, night sweats, weight gain or bloating, disrupted sleep, brain fog, low mood, lack of energy and loss of confidence are all classic signs.
So many women know so little about the perimenopause (the time leading up to the menopause) and the menopause itself. However this is the time when we start to notice things changing; hot flushes, night sweats, weight gain or bloating, disrupted sleep, brain fog, low mood, lack of energy and loss of confidence are all classic signs.
The stress we often feel when these changes occur can make symptoms so much worse! So it really helps if you understand what is going on in your body, and what you can do to take control.
Menopause is given such bad press, and whilst it can be a challenging time, it is a totally natural process that leads us to, what can be, some of the best years of our life as a woman!
Make some new rules
•How you lived life before may not be a good fit with where you are now.
Learn some new skills
•The exercise you used to do may not feel right for you now, your body may not move as it did - it may be time to change it up!
Discover what suits you
•Instead of fighting the process, take control and feel great again!

My job is to give you the confidence in what your body can do, to help you to feel better about yourself and to help you to learn how to love yourself in your Years of Change.
Take a look at The Years of Change program options below ...
Buy the full programme
Our full programme is available to purchase for a one off fee of
and includes ...
- The complete online readable program of over 11 sections 42 topics, links and references
- A complete podcast series which accompanies the reading material
- Online workouts via WorkoutAngel with Years of Change specific content
- FREE Downloadable E-Book to keep for future reference and read at your leisure
- Scheduled virtual catch-up sessions direct with Ceri
- Access to a private Facebook Support Group so you can make new friends, discuss material, share experiences
One off payment - no recurring costs
Buy as individual 'Essentials'
The Years of Change Program is now available in separate modules / Essentials for
EACHBuy 2 get 1 free and a Special gift with each purchase!
- Choose the information that is relevant to you - (all presented in podcasts and written material)
- Help to manage your sleep, stress, nutrition, exercise, weight, health & well-being
- Access to a private Facebook Support Group so you can make new friends, discuss material, share experiences
- Plus Ceri's personal support
Available to purchase on the Cerisport MarketPlace website - click the button below >


Have questions about The Years of Change program? Please get in touch...