#6.2 Exercising for bone health
In order for us to maintain good bone health through exercise we need to put our bones under stress. Bone is a living tissue and responds to how we use it. As discussed, there are various influences on our bone health at midlife, therefore if you haven’t already started the right types of exercise to help maintain good bone health now is definitely the time to start!
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The exercise sessions available to you throughout this program will be of great benefit to helping you to build stronger bones. It is often a time for changing up your exercise habits and discovering what now works. This will also help you to maintain a healthy weight.
We tend to think that running miles will keep our weight in check but remember that this can put our body under undue stress; therefore producing more stress hormones; therefore promoting the storage of fat around the middle!
Resistance training builds muscle tissue which burns off more calories 24/7 as well as being perfect for healthy bones!
Please note that if you have been diagnosed with osteopenia or osteoporosis you must refer to your health provider for any advice and I can assist in providing modifications and advice to help further.

• Weight training and resistance training (including using resistance bands)
Low load with high numbers of repetitions is often more appropriate. Certainly if you are starting from scratch or if you have any physical issues including pelvic floor dysfunction.
• One leg standing work and balance activities (such as Barre based workouts)
Single leg load bearing works the deep hip muscles and can strengthen the Pelvic floor muscles too!
• Weight bearing such as in Pilates or Yoga to strengthen the wrists, shoulders and arms
These activities are excellent for improving posture too
• Certain high impact activities if suitable
Even small jumps are good
• Certain low impact
Dancing, exercise classes to music, cycling (off the saddle), hiking, racket sports
As well as bone-loading, Squats improve gluteal strength which is essential for good Pelvic Floor function!

Strength training 3 times per week would be the perfect recommendation. This could include a good weight-bearing Pilates, Yoga or Barre workout. This is very individual, and I am happy to advise if you have any questions.
• Always build up slowly and modify, progress to suit your capabilities.
• Any injuries or medical conditions need to be considered before commencing an exercise program. Please seek advice from your health provider if necessary.
• If you have any pelvic floor dysfunction this must be considered. Incorrect breathing patterns and technique create intra-abdominal pressure and can exacerbate weakness in the pelvic floor muscles.
• Remember that as well as strengthening bone tissue, all the types of exercise listed will be beneficial to muscle strengthening which in turn can help with everyday functioning. This will help with back pain, other dysfunctions and of course, mental wellbeing, aiding weight management, stress management, digestion and promoting better sleep!
• Never exercise if you are feeling unwell